How are load stopping devices inspected ?

| March 25, 2024

Load stopping devices, also called wheel chocks or stop stops, are essential elements for the safety of vehicles and people when loading and unloading goods. Here is how their inspection is done.

Inspection Objectives

The inspection of load-stopping devices is of paramount importance in the field of freight transportation, aiming to ensure the safety and stability of cargo throughout its journey. The objectives of this inspection are multiple and cover several essential aspects.

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Check their condition and proper functioning

The inspection aims to verify the condition and proper functioning of the load stopping devices. This involves identifying any signs of wear, deformation or corrosion that could affect their effectiveness. By detecting these anomalies as they arise, appropriate repairs or replacements can be made to maintain the integrity of safety devices. More details on

Ensure they are suitable for the type of vehicle and load

The inspection aims to ensure that the load stopping devices are suitable for the type of vehicle and the nature of the load carried. It is essential that the braking capacity and strength of the chocks correspond to the weight of the vehicle as well as the nature of the cargo. This suitability guarantees optimal securing of the cargo and prevents the risk of movement or tipping during transport.

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Confirm their correct positioning

The purpose of the inspection is to confirm the correct positioning of the load stopping devices. Chocks must be placed stably and at the correct angle to prevent movement of the vehicle during transport. An incorrect position could impair the effectiveness of the devices and lead to serious incidents on the road.

Inspection steps

Inspection of load stopping devices is a crucial process to ensure the safety of personnel and goods during loading and unloading. It generally takes place in several distinct stages.

  • Visual inspection: examine the shims for signs of wear, deformation, cracks or corrosion.
  • Function test: simulate the use of the chocks to ensure that they block the vehicle effectively and stably.
  • Capacity check: check that the braking capacity of the chocks is adapted to the weight of the vehicle and the nature of the cargo.
  • Angle measurement: ensure that the cleats are positioned at the correct angle to ensure optimal braking force.
  • Checking the fixing: check that the blocks are securely fixed to the ground or to the vehicle to prevent any slipping.

Documentation and monitoring

It is important to document the results of the inspection and keep records of the interventions carried out. This makes it possible to monitor the status of the load stopping devices and plan the necessary maintenance interventions.


Inspection of load stopping devices is an essential procedure to ensure the safety of people and property when loading and unloading goods. By following the steps and tips in this article, you can help prevent accidents and keep your operations safe.